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Male in child's pose




I believe that everyone has the potential to live a healthful, joyful and purposeful life. The practice of yoga is not just about the poses; it’s a complete system that fosters a deep connection between the body, mind, and spirit. As a Movement and Mindset Coach, I incorporate these holistic practices to help you achieve balance and harmony in every aspect of your life.


Why fit in, when you were born to stand out? You have unique talents, ideas and perspectives that only you can offer to the world. It would be a pity for you to deprive the world of your gifts to be another faceless member of the crowd.

You are committed to living authentically, on your terms. You’ve heard the calling, whether it was a whisper or a shout, to make a shift in your life. It’s time to break old patterns and level up to the next highest expression of yourself. You’re ready to do the work to become the strongest, healthiest, most joyful person you can be. The work isn’t easy; it’s far from it. As difficult as the path may be, I promise you IT IS WORTH IT.

Whether you're looking to strengthen your body, cultivate your mind or connect more deeply with your own divine nature, it's an honor for me to walk alongside those welcoming change. Let's take a deep breath and embark on this journey together. As you do your work to manifest the life of your dreams, know that you are not alone. You are part of something so much bigger than yourself. Together we are creating a community to change the fucking world!

Casey John Fry headshot wearing black TruFusion shirt

Who am I?

Holistic Wellness and Health

I started my business to help others bring their mind, body and soul into harmony through the ancient principles and techniques of yoga. Yoga is more than a movement practice, yoga is a complete system to live a joyful, healthy, and purposeful life. Where you choose to go, and how you choose to get there, is up to you. I am here to help light your path along the way.

I'm an experienced private yoga teacher and personal trainer in Houston, TX. I maintains active certifications of E-RYT 200 through Yoga Alliance as well as Certified Personal Trainer, Integrated Flexibility Coach, and Corrective Exercise Specialist through National Association of Sports Medicine. I have been a personal trainer since 2015 years and a yoga teacher since 2018.


More Than Just Yoga

Be The Light

You lead by example. You are a badass, truth-seeker and self-healer. Through your actions, you are a beacon for anyone who is lost in the fog of uncertainty, the darkness of self-doubt and despair.

Be Intentional

You are connected to your purpose. You plan time to sit in silence so you can listen to your intuition. Your actions are guided by your inner knowing.

Be Selfless

You give without expectations. You love without conditions. You live without regrets.

Shirtless male in lotus pose


Expertise and Approach

I offer professionally certified fitness and yoga training in Houston, Texas. I infuse the principals and practices of yoga into all of my programs and services. 


At the core of my practice is a simple intention: to guide others in creating a healthful, joyful, and purposeful life. I believe that true wellness is about more than just physical fitness—it’s about nurturing the body, mind, and spirit in harmony. My mission is to empower you to move through your life fully aligned with your favorite self.

What sets my approach apart is that it is wholly infused with the principles and practices of yoga. No matter which of my programs or services you're using, each experience is deeply rooted in yoga’s holistic philosophy. This integration ensures that every session goes beyond the physical, touching on the mental and spiritual aspects of well-being. Yoga is not just something we do—it's a way of being that permeates every part of our lives.


My vision extends beyond the individual; I aim to cultivate a vibrant community of self-healers and truth-seekers. Through a combination of transformative events and no-cost educational content, I’m dedicated to providing tools and resources that empower our community to level up. These gatherings and resources are designed to foster deep connections, encourage personal growth, and create a supportive network where everyone can thrive together. In this community, we learn from each other, grow with each other, and collectively contribute to a ripple effect of positive change throughout the world.


“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life.”
- Aadil Palkhivala


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